Adult Spiritual Formation
The Adult Spiritual Formation Ministry provides space for people to explore what they believe and why - to be a place where we Share our stories, Nourish our spirit, and Feed those who hunger spiritually. More details here.
Pastoral Care
Christ Church’s Pastoral Care ministry helps meet the spiritual and physical needs of our community through a variety of ministries. To make a Pastoral Care request, or a prayer request, email More detail here.
Nurture and Nourish
Nurture and Nourish was formed to nurture and nourish our parishioners. More details here.
Music Ministry
Singing together, letting choral anthems wash over you, or attending a concert opens our hearts to God’s presence. At Christ Church everyone is invited to sing along or play their part. Our choir leads the congregation in song on most Sunday mornings and is open to everyone. We also offer a bell choir and choirs for children and youth. Musicians in the parish and the community also play instruments and offer their voices to enhance our typical offerings. Contact MIchael Moran, Director of Music Ministries at:
Parish Life
Christ Church is a very social place. We’re blessed with lots of people who like gathering together to eat, laugh, play and be a community. More details here.
Faith Full Giving
Christ Church’s Faith Full Giving ministry seeks to gather the time, talent and financial resources of our community to sustainably support our parish. Rather than just trying to gather enough money to keep the lights on, we look at stewardship as a spiritual challenge. More details here.
Buildings and Grounds
Christ Church’s Buildings and Grounds Ministry maintains the buildings, gardens, sacred spaces and play areas for our community and share laughter, community and doughnuts along the way. They give an enormous gift to our parish because maintaining a church is no easy task. These good men and women can use plenty of help.
Education for Ministry
If you are interested in taking a spiritual journey using theological reflection and Biblical study, Education for Ministries may be for you! More details here.
Women Who Wonder (WWW)
Women Who Wonder is a group ministry designed to make a space for women to nurture and explore their spirituality. More details here.