My Dear Sisters and Brothers at Christ Church,
It's almost the fourth Sunday of Advent. You can feel the carols straining to break through our Advent hymns, excitement building to a fever pitch amongst the children, and full grown Episcopalians losing patience with the idea that Advent is a time for thoughtful waiting. It's almost Christmas! Theologically, this leaves us one week to prepare the mangers of our hearts to carry Jesus. How do we do that, especially with the consumer-industrial complex blasting out peppermint-scented Santa songs 24/7? How on earth do we prepare to host God in the mud, straw and cold of our hectic lives?
As we approach the celebration of Christmas, I challenge you to take a little extra time to pray for more peace in this world and in your own heart. In Mary's word's of the Magnificat, which we read and sang last Sunday, I urge you to think about how your own soul can magnify the Lord. Ask yourself how you can reflect more light from the stars of heaven onto other people. Remember your blessings, and remember to share them. May God bless you through these dark and cold Advent nights.