Dear Sisters and Brothers at Christ Church,
By the time you receive this note I’ll be up at the Bishop’s Ranch with our vestry. We’re going to share stories about how we became the people we are, we’ll learn about what it takes to run a church, and we’ll do some long-term planning for the next chapter of life at Christ Church. As I mentioned during Christ Church’s 153rd Annual Meeting last week, we’re seeing traction inside and outside of the church in three particular areas:
Small groups are thriving and make a clear difference about whether or not someone stays.
Family ministry is thriving and seems to snowball on its own success.
Social justice ministry, especially with homeless folks, draws the surrounding community into the church and energizes our own people.
We’ll spend part of our time at the retreat discussing why these areas intrigue people so much and ask what we can do to broaden their appeal. I’m really excited to do this work with such a strong vestry, alongside Will Scott and our Wardens Melanie McMullen and Harrison Hamill.
While we’re up at the Ranch you’ll be in good hands with the Rev. Bruce Smith. Bruce is a dear friend and mentor and my former boss from Church of the Resurrection in Pleasant Hill. Better than anyone I know, Bruce understands that relationships build community. Please congratulate Bruce on becoming a grandfather just last week, to a grandson who bears his own name.
While getting ready for the retreat, Christ Church’s leadership has been busy with the process of hiring a new Parish Administrator (nothing to announce yet, but stay tuned), and putting the homeless shelter on a more sustainable footing. Life at Christ Church is full!
May God bless you all.